Thursday, 4 October 2012

Investing in Human Capital

We work really hard for our money and we want to be sure that we invest it in the best way possible.  This is true for companies and organizations as well.  Should we invest our hard-earned dollars into real estate or new office furniture?  Maybe donate to charity?  Or- do we invest in our strongest asset- the people that make up the team that is the company?
Any associate would appreciate a new desk or computer but these things can easily be passed on to someone else.  However, training is something that cannot be taken from the participant and passed on to their successor.   The mere fact that an employer is willing to invest in their associates on this level will instill a sense of security, of a job being well-done and in turn that associate will dedicate himself to doing his best for the company.
Without a strong, dedicated team it is not possible for an organization to reach its full potential.  There is no better way to solidify a team than to provide them with updated skills and training.   Good training programs will increase confidence, productivity, dedication and loyalty to the team. 
An organization has no greater asset than the people that make up that organization. Is it not worth the financial commitment to ensure that all associates are the best that they can be for the team? 

Do you agree that the best investments are in our people?

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